Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Camden is finally home!! My dad has been wanting to take him for a weekend this summer and this past weekend seemed to work out the best. I dropped him off Saturday morning with my dad and Brad met my dad this morning in Spirit Lake to pick him up. It was a nice break but boy did I miss him! It was to quiet around here! Everytime Brad usually comes home from work Camden always meets him at the door and it was a little different him not being here and doing that! Sounds like he had a good time with his Papa, the boys and visiting the rest of the family! Grandpa bought him a sling shot so they went up to the lake and shot bullets and I guess he really enjoyed that..typical boy!!!The spent alot of time playing outside and messing around in the machine shed. He also got to spend some time playing with Cassie which is always fun for them. The couple times I talked to him he was playing video games with the boys or trying to get the boys to let him play:) I got home from work today and he was constantly talking about all the fun things he got to do. Dad said he was always on the go and went from one thing to the next. I am glad he was able to do this and spend time with my family!!

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