Monday, July 13, 2009


Maeci is growing like a weed and changing everyday. The first 3 weeks after she was born she was a very good baby and seems like in the past 2 weeks that has changed a little. She has been starting to cry during all her feedings and has such a sensitive stomach along with lots of gas. She will start drinking her bottle and then after a bit she tenses up and starts crying because of her sensitive stomach. She also has a little bit of silent acid reflux. She spits up maybe once or twice a day but when she burps it comes up and goes back down and she gets a little fussy during that. It is so hard to deal with the feedings because we maybe get through one bottle a day without her crying. After she eats a little and starts crying she can't eat anymore because of it. The doctor has had us change formula's a couple times and nothing seems to be working. My gosh there is a ton of different formula's for every symptom a baby might have..I wish one would work for us!! She has a fussy time at night to from about 7:00-9:00. We took her into the doctor today and they had us change formula's again and wasn't to concerned because she is still gaining weight..she is up to 12 lbs 11 ozs! Doctor also said she has an under developed sensitive stomach which can cause some colic, fussiness, and gas which usually happens around her age. It's just something we have to deal with because they grow out of it and her stomach will get better. I wouldn't say she has bad colic because she cries on and off during her fussy time at night and it's not for a long time. Some of our friends have had colic babies and they said their baby would cry straight from 6 at night until midnight and they would not stop and they couldn't console them for anything...oh god I would go crazy!!! So we are hoping this formula will help her tummy because I feel terrible watching her try to eat and I can't do anything for her:(

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